Chapter Events


Honeysuckle Blitz-Give Back Day at Caesar Creek

Sunday, October 27th, 2024
to (Eastern Time)
Caesar Creek Army Corp Engineers Gorge Spillway Tail Water Area

Public Welcome Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Public Restroom Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity

Sunday, October 29, 9 am-noon: Give Back Day, 15th Annual Honeysuckle Blitz at Caesar Creek U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gorge Spillway Tail Water Area, Warren County, Ohio

Join the Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society, Cincinnati Wild Ones, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and supporters as we sponsor this volunteer effort in its 15th year to help remove that invasive alien, bush honeysuckle, from the Caesar Creek Lake Spillway Tail Water area.

Come help your friends and kindred spirits continue the protection of this natural treasure. One of the area’s prime features is a gorge formed by glacial meltwaters cutting down through the bedrock. Steep walls formed, rising 180 feet above the river, with more than two miles of Caesar Creek flowing through the gorge. We will be working in the diverse habitat of this natural area, which features heavily wooded hillsides above the gorge of beech, maple, hickory, oak and a luxuriant herbaceous-flora-covered floodplain. The Cincinnati Wild Ones have been working in this area for the past 14 years with a very positive impact to wildflower diversity.

This is a terrific social, educational and work activity, with a great lunch provided.

Your RSVP is greatly appreciated. Please contact Christine Hadley at email [email protected] or at 513-850-9585, for more information. Chainsaw & steel blade trimmer operators must be pre-registered.

Bring your favorite tools: gloves, loppers, saws, trimmers, and protective gear for power equipment. We will provide tools & safety equipment to volunteers new to honeysuckle removal. Stump treatment will be furnished.

Directions: Meet at the Gorge parking lot off Clarksville Road.

Take I-71 to Wilmington Road (exit 36).
Head east on Wilmington Road. Take the first left onto Olive Branch Road (crossing over I-71).
Take the first right onto Jeffrey Road.
At the first stop sign, take Oregonia Road; jog right and then jog left onto Clarksville Road.
Follow across the dam, turn left at the gorge sign, and drive to the parking lot.
We’ll meet near the gorge shelter. Look for signs directing you to the event.

Google maps knows our parking area as “Caesar Creek Fishing Pier, Caesar Creek Gorge Access Road, Waynesville, OH 45068”

Do NOT go to the state nature preserve area on Corwin Road, which is where we often have spring events.

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